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Points tables

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Points tables

Postby The Cub » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:27 pm

I'm going to stop putting what players have used on this sheet as it's complicating things on the back end. All points tables will now be posted here each Monday.


Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
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The Cub
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Re: Points tables

Postby The Cub » Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:21 pm

Sorry guys and girls but it's going to have to be like this until I get my desktop back, its in for repairs until the 29th(supposedly!!!!!!)

March Points
Player Alias Point Won this Month Existing Points Total Points
asknix 7350 7350
millerntor 13325 13325
TheCub11 6050 6050
ste202 5925 5925
b4gem4ndtag3m 4000 8225 8225
mildsteel59 8200 10175 18375
DaggaDaggaDagga 5525 5525
Ianistheone 5475 5475
cossyjay 3500 5425 8925
CastaicKid 5200 5175 10375
0Houdini0 7525 7525
AwesomeHutch 3500 3500
redbaz68 3500 3500
Irish Mansion 2800 3100 5900
strakastrofy 7700 2625 10325
Staggerlee73 -800 -800
onemoredude 2325 2325
KevVIP 2100 2100
ShoveonMe 4100 4100
Waddis 2800 3400 6200
beanolizzyawop 1400 2800 4200
ALTHEFOX44 4200 4200 4200
ThePheonixofLBPN 7700 3400 7700

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
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The Cub
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